
The effect of early marriage in girls on their under five children morbidity and mortality /

Amal Gamal Mohamed

The effect of early marriage in girls on their under five children morbidity and mortality / تأثيرالزواج المبكر فى الفتيات على اعتلال الصحة والوفيات فى أطفالهم دون سن الخامسة Amal Gamal Mohamed ; Supervised Dina Ali Shokry , Maha Abdelrahman Mowafy , Nesreen Mohamed Kamal Elden - Cairo : Amal Gamal Mohamed , 2019 - 97 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Family Medicine

Background :The incidence of child marriage is not only in Egypt but also in the world. High incidence rate of child marriage in Egypt is the key alarm in terms of child protection. The porportion of early marriage among study group is 34.5% which is an alarming for more serious solutions. However, child marriage occurs in poor, economically deprived communities. There were major three causes those derived child marriages culture, poverty and ignorance. It directly affected the girls health and education Most of early married girls had uneducated parents and they also rarely complete their education Aim of work: This study aims to detect prevalence of early marriage, causes of this problem and its relation with under five children morbidity and mortality. Materials and Methods:This is Community-based cross sectional descriptive study that include 650 mothers in child bearing age from five primary health care centers in Giza government by interviewing them using a structured questionnaire and taking their weight, height and waist circumference. Collected data was interpreted and analyzed and conclusions were derived. Results Significant association between early marriage and parent's education. ,early marriage, family size and pregnancy number

Early marriage Mortality Under five morbidity