Fine motor skills assessment in children with thalassemia /
Mona Mohamed Diab Ali
Fine motor skills assessment in children with thalassemia / تقييم المهارات الحركيه الدقيقة لدى الاطفال المصابيين بمرض الثلاسيميا Mona Mohamed Diab Ali ; Supervised Faten Hassan Abdelaziem , Ghada Saad Abdelmotaleb - Cairo : Mona Mohamed Diab Ali , 2019 - 157 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Development in Pediatrics
Purpose: The study was conducted to assess fine motor skills in children with Beta thalassemia major.Subject, Materials and Methods: cross sectional study was conducted with forty children who received regular blood transfusion according to blood laboratory tests ranged in age from five to fifteen years old. They recruited from outpatient of hematology pediatrics department clinic of Banha University hospital and Health Insurance hospital- Banha- Qalyubia. They were classified according to age into two groups of equal number with no sex difference. Group A twenty children with age from 5years to 10years.Group B twenty children with age from more than 10years to 15years. Bruninkies Osertesky Test 2nd edition was used to assess fine motor skills with subtests (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, upper limb coordination) was applied, Jabsen Hand function test was used to assess activities of daily living in the form of time of performance and Pneumatic Bulb Dynamometer to measure hand grip strength of both hands for all children
Assessment Fine motor skills Thalassemia
Fine motor skills assessment in children with thalassemia / تقييم المهارات الحركيه الدقيقة لدى الاطفال المصابيين بمرض الثلاسيميا Mona Mohamed Diab Ali ; Supervised Faten Hassan Abdelaziem , Ghada Saad Abdelmotaleb - Cairo : Mona Mohamed Diab Ali , 2019 - 157 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Development in Pediatrics
Purpose: The study was conducted to assess fine motor skills in children with Beta thalassemia major.Subject, Materials and Methods: cross sectional study was conducted with forty children who received regular blood transfusion according to blood laboratory tests ranged in age from five to fifteen years old. They recruited from outpatient of hematology pediatrics department clinic of Banha University hospital and Health Insurance hospital- Banha- Qalyubia. They were classified according to age into two groups of equal number with no sex difference. Group A twenty children with age from 5years to 10years.Group B twenty children with age from more than 10years to 15years. Bruninkies Osertesky Test 2nd edition was used to assess fine motor skills with subtests (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, upper limb coordination) was applied, Jabsen Hand function test was used to assess activities of daily living in the form of time of performance and Pneumatic Bulb Dynamometer to measure hand grip strength of both hands for all children
Assessment Fine motor skills Thalassemia