
Maintenance and cost effectiveness of cendres metaux locator (CM-LOC) resin matrix versus ball nylon matrix attachment retaining single implant mandibular complete overdentures : A randomized clinical trial /

Amr Ahmed Naguib

Maintenance and cost effectiveness of cendres metaux locator (CM-LOC) resin matrix versus ball nylon matrix attachment retaining single implant mandibular complete overdentures : A randomized clinical trial / والرابط الكروى على الزرعه من حيث الصيانة و التكلفة في الاطقم السفلية المحملة على زرعة واحدة CM-LOC المقارنة بين رابط ال : تجربة سريرية عشوائية Amr Ahmed Naguib ; Supervised Ashraf Abdelmonaem , Nada Sherin Elkhourazaty - Cairo : Amr Ahmed Naguib , 2019 - 138 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Prosthodontics

52 completely edentulous patients were selected from 138 patients examined in the outpatient clinic of the Removable Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry Cairo University, after thorough examination and receiving a complete denture.The selected patients were divided into two groups. Group A received upper complete denture and lower single implant mandibular overdenture retained by CM-LOC attachment.Group B received upper complete denture and lower single implant mandibular overdenture retained by ball attachment.Patients were periodically examined every 3 months starting from starting pick up procedure till 1 year follow up. Prosthetic maintenance and cost analysis data were saved in excel sheets after each follow up visit. In terms of prosthetic maintenance the CM-LOC group rate of change of matrix, relining of lower denture, fracture of lower denture was higher than the ball group rate. On the other hand, the rate of fracture of the upper group was higher in the ball group. The rate of all other prosthetic maintenance events was nearly the same. The number of the total prosthetic maintenance events was similar in both groups. In terms of cost analysis, the CM-LOC group was higher than the ball group in both the initial cost and after care cost. The total cost of the CM-LOC attachment was 2.22 times more than the ball attachment

Ball attachment CM-LOC Single implant