
A comparative study of block versus particulate iliac-crest bone graft used in computer-aided immediate reconstruction after mandibular resection : Randomized control clinical trial /

Nabila Mohammed Abdelhamid

A comparative study of block versus particulate iliac-crest bone graft used in computer-aided immediate reconstruction after mandibular resection : Randomized control clinical trial / دراسة لمقارنة الطعم العظمى ككتلة مقابل جسيمات قمة العظمى الحرقفى بمساعدة الكمبيوتر للبناء الفورى بعد إستئصال الفك السفلى Nabila Mohammed Abdelhamid ; Supervised Ahmed Mokhtar Almardanly , Niven Abdullatif Askar , Mohamed Farid Shehab - Cairo : Nabila Mohammed Abdelhamid , 2017 - 123 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and dental Medicine - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Ten patients underwent segmental mandibular resection divided into two groups (control group) 5 patients received immediate segmental autogenous block bone grafts from anterior iliac crest with Titanium plate and second group is (study group) 5 patient receiving immediate segmental reconstruction with particulate bone grafts from anterior iliac crest with titanium mesh. Pre-operative CT Scans was done for all patients and Computer software used to restore mandibular and facial symmetry by mirror imaging the healthy side, design for template to guide the osteotomy margins during surgical procedure and another one for pre- bend reconstructive plate that is contoured to the margins of native mandible after resection. The three dimensional modelling techniques was showed more accurate and fit during management of surgical procedure for immediate segmental mandibular reconstruction

Immediate mandibular reconstruction computer-guided Titanium mesh Titanium plate