Assessment of histopathological and histochemical changes in tissues of pregnant albino rat and their fetuses following cyclobenzaprine administration /
Shrouq Adel Mahmoud
Assessment of histopathological and histochemical changes in tissues of pregnant albino rat and their fetuses following cyclobenzaprine administration / تقييم التغيرات الناتجة الهستوباثولوجية و الهستوكيميائية فى أنسجة الجرذان البيضاء الحوامل و أجنتها المعالجة بالسيكلوبنزابرين Shrouq Adel Mahmoud ; Supervised Said Abdelrahman , Abdelwahab Elghareeb , Heba Ali Abdelrahman - Cairo : Shrouq Adel Mahmoud , 2019 - 146 P. : charts , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Biotechnology
Muscle spasm is a sudden violent involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, it is painful, local, and tangible that usually affects leg muscles. they are among the common symptoms occurring during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester upon which they are unidirectional, it affects up to 95% of exercising college students, 35% to 60% of the elderly and occur to almost 50% of the pregnant women, it could be increased due the changes occurring during pregnancy in neuromuscular performance, joint laxity in the final stages of pregnancy and impaired blood supply to lower body organs and also due to the pressure on blood vessels and nerves resulting from the enlarged uterus, imbalances between the intake and output of electrolytes and vitamins, and insufficient minerals intake . Which lead to increasing glomerular filtration and greater needs of the fetus for receiving minerals from the mother reducing her serum calcium and magnesium levels, Cyclobenzaprine is a central nervous system (CNS) muscle relaxant for the treatment of muscle spasm which causes pain, tenderness, and limitation of motion. where, it is intended for short-term use (up to two or three weeks), it is administered orally. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it relieves muscle spasms through a central action, possibly at the level of the brain stem, with no direct action on the neuromuscular junction or the muscle involved, the current study investigates the teratogenic effect of cyclobenzaprine in detail using female rats (Rattusnorvegicus) which was treated during organogenesis stage. The pregnant rats were divided into two groups each of 10 ratsrnal liver when comparing the treated group with control one
Leg Cramps Muscle spasm Teratology
Assessment of histopathological and histochemical changes in tissues of pregnant albino rat and their fetuses following cyclobenzaprine administration / تقييم التغيرات الناتجة الهستوباثولوجية و الهستوكيميائية فى أنسجة الجرذان البيضاء الحوامل و أجنتها المعالجة بالسيكلوبنزابرين Shrouq Adel Mahmoud ; Supervised Said Abdelrahman , Abdelwahab Elghareeb , Heba Ali Abdelrahman - Cairo : Shrouq Adel Mahmoud , 2019 - 146 P. : charts , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Biotechnology
Muscle spasm is a sudden violent involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles, it is painful, local, and tangible that usually affects leg muscles. they are among the common symptoms occurring during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester upon which they are unidirectional, it affects up to 95% of exercising college students, 35% to 60% of the elderly and occur to almost 50% of the pregnant women, it could be increased due the changes occurring during pregnancy in neuromuscular performance, joint laxity in the final stages of pregnancy and impaired blood supply to lower body organs and also due to the pressure on blood vessels and nerves resulting from the enlarged uterus, imbalances between the intake and output of electrolytes and vitamins, and insufficient minerals intake . Which lead to increasing glomerular filtration and greater needs of the fetus for receiving minerals from the mother reducing her serum calcium and magnesium levels, Cyclobenzaprine is a central nervous system (CNS) muscle relaxant for the treatment of muscle spasm which causes pain, tenderness, and limitation of motion. where, it is intended for short-term use (up to two or three weeks), it is administered orally. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it relieves muscle spasms through a central action, possibly at the level of the brain stem, with no direct action on the neuromuscular junction or the muscle involved, the current study investigates the teratogenic effect of cyclobenzaprine in detail using female rats (Rattusnorvegicus) which was treated during organogenesis stage. The pregnant rats were divided into two groups each of 10 ratsrnal liver when comparing the treated group with control one
Leg Cramps Muscle spasm Teratology