
Depression and anxiety in adolescent females with polycystic ovary syndrome and community adolescent females group /

Shimaa Mohamed Abaas

Depression and anxiety in adolescent females with polycystic ovary syndrome and community adolescent females group / الاكتئاب والقلق فى عينه من الفتيات المراهقات المصابات بمتلازمة تكيسات المبيض وعينه مجتمعيه من المراهقات Shimaa Mohamed Abaas ; Supervised Ahmed Abdellateif , Ghada Mahmoud Khafagy , Saeed Salah Abduljalil - Cairo : Shimaa Mohamed Abaas , 2019 - 96 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Family Medicine

Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder affecting up to 15% of women in the reproductive age. Prior studies suggest that PCOS can be associated with mood and other mental disorders. Aim: The aim of the study is to estimate the prevalence of depression and anxiety in adolescent females with polycystic ovary syndrome and community adolescent females sample and to examine factors associated with depression, anxiety. Methods: The study was conducted on 84 girls with PCO and 47girls from community underwent a structured interview using pre-designed questionnaire covering sociodemographic characters, medical data, anthropometric measures general examination for acne and hirsutism staging and 7 questions of GAD 7 questionnaire for anxiety and 9 questions of PHQ 9 for depression screening. Results: Among PCO sample and community sample there was high prevalence of depression (89% vs 93%) and anxiety (32% vs 61%) respectively. There was significant correlation between degree of anxiety and severity of acne (p=0.005) (rs=0.353) and between degree of anxiety and severity of hirsutism(p> 0.001) (rs=0.468) among PCO sample. Also, there was significant association between BMI with depression among PCO sample (P=0.013)

Anxiety Depression Polycystic ovary syndrome