
Assessment of subcondylar fracture treated using two four-hole straight miniplates versus the synthes® matrixmandible trapezoidal plate : Randomized controlled trial /

Mohamed Adel M. Ahmed Elmahdy

Assessment of subcondylar fracture treated using two four-hole straight miniplates versus the synthes® matrixmandible trapezoidal plate : Randomized controlled trial / تقييم علاج كسر الفك السفلى التحت اللقمى باستخدام شريحتين مستقيمتين رباعيتا الثقوب مقارنة بشريحة واحدة شبه منحرفة : تجربة سريرية مقارنة عشوائية Mohamed Adel M. Ahmed Elmahdy ; Supervised Moustafa Ezz , Moustafa Shindy - Cairo : Mohamed Adel M. Ahmed Elmahdy , 2019 - 101 P. : charts , facsimiles , photoghraphs ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Aim of the Study : The aim of this study was to assess subcondylar fracture treated using two four-hole straight miniplates versus the MatrixMANDIBLE Trapezoidal plate. Patients and Methods: A total of 18 patients having subcondylar fractures indicated for open reduction and plate fixation were chosen from the outpatient clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, and randomly divided into two equal groups. Intervention group was treated using MatrixMANDIBLE Trapezoidal plates, and the control group was treated using two four-hole miniplates (2.0): one parallel to posterior border of the mandible and the other parallel to sigmoid notch. The clinical and radiological outcomes of the treatment such as accuracy of reduction and stability of fixation, pain, occlusion, mandibular movements, facial nerve affection and time of operation were assessed and statistically analyzed. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in all comparisons except time of operation, as MatrixMANDIBLE Trapezoidal plates were time saving. Conclusion:MatrixMANDIBLE Trapezoidal plate has clinical and radiographic outcomes comparable to two four-hole miniplates, offering less hardware and less operative time

Fixation MatrixMANDIBLE Subcondylar fracture