
Clinical performance of short fiber reinforced resin composite restorations versus indirect nanohybrid resin composite onlay restorations in complex proximal cavities of molars : A one year randomized clinical trial /

Rawda Hesham Abdelaziz Mohammed

Clinical performance of short fiber reinforced resin composite restorations versus indirect nanohybrid resin composite onlay restorations in complex proximal cavities of molars : A one year randomized clinical trial / تقييم الأداء السريرى لحشوات الكمبوزيت المدعم بالألياف القصيرة مقابل الحشوات غير المباشرة للكمبوزيت نانو التهجين في الحشو الجانبى المعقد للطواحن : تجربة سريرية عشوائية لمدة عام Rawda Hesham Abdelaziz Mohammed ; Supervised Hussien Abdelfattah Gomaa , Mai Mamdouh Mohammed - Cairo : Rawda Hesham Abdelaziz Mohammed , 2019 - 99 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Operative Dentistry

Background: Short fiber reinforced resin composite (SFRC) is a bulk fill resin composite specially indicated in large complex cavities. It is characterized by having high fracture toughness and load bearing capacity to decrease the incidence of fracture of the restoration. Aim: This is the first randomized clinical trial to validate SFRC clinical performance. Methods and Material: In two parallel groups (n= 38 restorations), seventy- six participants having complex proximal cavities with asymptomatic vital pulp were randomly enrolled in this trial and received either SFRC (Ever X Posterior, GC, Japan) covered by (Gaenial posterior, GC, Japan) or chair side indirect restorations (Grandioso inlay system, VOCO, Germany) fabricated on a silicon die. Materials were applied according to the manufacturer instructions with the corresponding adhesive system. Only sixty-seven participants completed the trial and assessed using modified USPHS criteria by two independent blinded assessors at 6 months and 1 year follow up visits.Results: There was no statistically significant difference between both tested groups for all USPHS criteria at different follow up periods except for marginal integrity favoring the SFRC at 12 months when the difference became significant (P<0.001), and color match favoring the nanohybrid indirect resin composite restorations where significant difference of scores at all follow-up intervals (P<0.001) was found. Cochran's Q test showed significant differences within the same technique during the follow up period for some criteria.

Chair side indirect restorations Direct versus indirect resin composite restorations Fiber reinforced resin composite