
Uterine artery and arcuate vessels doppler indices measurements in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding using copper intrauterine contraceptive device and combined oral contraceptive pills /

Hasna Mohammed Kamal

Uterine artery and arcuate vessels doppler indices measurements in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding using copper intrauterine contraceptive device and combined oral contraceptive pills / مؤشرات قياسات الدوبلر للشريان الرحمى والاوعية الرحمية المقوسة فى المريضات الائى يستخدمن اللولب الرحمى النحاسى ويعانين من نزيف رحمى اواللائى يستخدمن موانع الحمل عن طريق الفم Hasna Mohammed Kamal ; Supervised Samah Sayed Aboulgheit , Hisham Mamdouh Haggag , Tarek Elhusseiny Mohamed - Cairo : Hasna Mohammed Kamal , 2019 - 82 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Objectives:. The aim of our study is to perform a comparative evaluation of doppler sonographic changes in uterine artery and arcuate vessels in four groups of women: IUCDs users with and without abnormal uterine bleeding, Combined oral contraceptive users and women not using contraceptives. We will identify a correlation between increased bleeding and Doppler changes. Patients and methods: This prospective longitudinal analytic study was conducted in Cairo University Hospitals after the comittee approval , in the period between Sep 2018 and March 2019. The study included 160 women with ages ranging from 20-35 years, these women were enrolled in 4 groups. Group 1: patient on IUCDs with abnormal bleeding (n=40) Group 2: Patients on IUCD without bleeding ( n=40) Group 3: Patients on COCPs and without abnormal bleeding (n=40) Group 4: Women not using contraceptive (n=40) Results: There was statistically significant different between IUCD with and without bleeding groups in the uterine artery PI (P<0.036), Arcuate vessel PI (p<0.001) and arcuate vessel RI (p<0.001). ROC curve showed that the AUC was 0.63 to predict abnormal bleeding in IUCD women

Arcuate vessel Doppler ultrasound Uterine artery