Conservative versus operative management of fracture lateral malleolus(supination external rotation stage 2)according to lauge-hansen classification /
Shady Adel Reyad
Conservative versus operative management of fracture lateral malleolus(supination external rotation stage 2)according to lauge-hansen classification / مقارنة بين العلاج التحفظى والتدخل الجراحى فى علاج كسور الكعب الوحشى( الاستدارة والدوران الخارجى الدرجة الثانية ) حسب تصنيف لوج هانسن Shady Adel Reyad ; Supervised Yasser Abdelfattah Radwan , Ahmed Kheder - Cairo : Shady Adel Reyad , 2019 - 87 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Ankle fractures are common among both the general population and those who play contact sports. Knowing the precise mechanism of ankle fractures is important because it helps surgeons assess the fracture pattern and soft tissues to determine the sequence of the injury. The objective of our study was to compare between conservative versus operative management of isolated lateral malleolus fracture (supination external rotation stage 2) according to lauge-hansen classification. We performed a prospective randomized study in which we evaluated functional and radiological outcome, mechanism of trauma, associated co morbidities, and American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Societys functional score for postoperative clinical assessments. We analyzed 40 patients with isolated lateral malleolus fracture (20 patients treated conservatively with cast below knee and 20 patients treated operatively with plate and screws).we found that there is no significant difference between both techniques in treatment of this type of fracture
Ankle fractures Non-operative treatment Operativetreatment
Conservative versus operative management of fracture lateral malleolus(supination external rotation stage 2)according to lauge-hansen classification / مقارنة بين العلاج التحفظى والتدخل الجراحى فى علاج كسور الكعب الوحشى( الاستدارة والدوران الخارجى الدرجة الثانية ) حسب تصنيف لوج هانسن Shady Adel Reyad ; Supervised Yasser Abdelfattah Radwan , Ahmed Kheder - Cairo : Shady Adel Reyad , 2019 - 87 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Ankle fractures are common among both the general population and those who play contact sports. Knowing the precise mechanism of ankle fractures is important because it helps surgeons assess the fracture pattern and soft tissues to determine the sequence of the injury. The objective of our study was to compare between conservative versus operative management of isolated lateral malleolus fracture (supination external rotation stage 2) according to lauge-hansen classification. We performed a prospective randomized study in which we evaluated functional and radiological outcome, mechanism of trauma, associated co morbidities, and American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Societys functional score for postoperative clinical assessments. We analyzed 40 patients with isolated lateral malleolus fracture (20 patients treated conservatively with cast below knee and 20 patients treated operatively with plate and screws).we found that there is no significant difference between both techniques in treatment of this type of fracture
Ankle fractures Non-operative treatment Operativetreatment