
Comparison of spinal levobupivacaie with racemic bupivacaine for lower abdominal surgery /

Ahmed Abd El aziz Abd El aziz Seleem

Comparison of spinal levobupivacaie with racemic bupivacaine for lower abdominal surgery / مقارنه بين الليفوبيوبيفاكين والبيوبيفاكين فى التخدير النصفى بالحقن تحت الام العنكبوتية فى عمليات اسفل البطن Ahmed Abd El aziz Abd El aziz Seleem ; Supervised Ahmed Monir Shash , Samir Sayed Barakat , Enas Mohammed Samir - Cairo : Ahmed Abd El aziz Abd El aziz Seleem , 2007 - 115P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Anaesthesia

Bupivacaine exists as a mixture of two enantiomers , levobupivacaine and dexbupivacaine Data suggests that levobupivacaine has equal local anesthetic potency , with reduced potential for central nervous system and cardiovascular toxicity This study compares the clinical efficacy of 05 isobaric levobupivacaine with 05 isobaric bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia in lower abdominal surgery

Bupivacaine Levobupivacaine local anesthetics Neuroaxial block - Isomerism Spinal anesthesia