Serum 25 hydroxy colicalciferol and zinc levels in egyptian pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) /
Huda Zaghloul Abdelfattah
Serum 25 hydroxy colicalciferol and zinc levels in egyptian pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) / قياس نسبة فيتامين (د) و الزنك فى الدم فى الأطفال مرضى بإلتهاب القولون المزمن Huda Zaghloul Abdelfattah ; Supervised Mohammad Ali Genena , Mohammad Nabih Almohammady , Dina Ali Ezzat - Cairo : Huda Zaghloul Abdelfattah , 2020 - 109 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Background: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin important for normal bone metabolism because it facilitates intestinal calcium absorption and increase osteoblastic differentiation.Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease)IBD( are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. Another essential micronutrient, Zinc is an essential trace element, which is obsorbed in the small intestine. Prevalence of zinc deficiency with IBD during disease and in remission raging from15% to 40% .Objectives :To assess the prevalence of 25 Hydroxycolicalciferol and zinc deficiency in Egyptian pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease.Methods: History was taken from the patients including consanguinity, similar conditions, intestinal and extra intestinal manifestation and age of diagnosis.Assessment of disease activity were made using Pediatric crohns disease activity index (PCDAI).Pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index (PUCAL) Laboratory methods: Serum 25 Hydroxycolicalciferol: it will be assayed using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technique (ELISA). Zinc will be assayed using atomic obsorption spectrometry.Results: This study found the serum vitamin D was statistically significantly lower among crohns cases (11.6± 4.4) than UC cases (19.9± 9.4) control cases (23.7 ± 10.8) (P<0.001) also serum zinc was statistically significantly lower among crohns cases (80.9± 27.8) than UC cases (95.1 ± 20.9) control cases (109±36.3) (p=0.045). Conclusion:25(OH)D deficiency and zinc deficiency is common in IBD patients. Serum 25 (OH)D levels and zinc were significantly lowest among moderate, followed by mild and highest in remission
25 colicalciferol Inflammatory bowel disease Zinc
Serum 25 hydroxy colicalciferol and zinc levels in egyptian pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) / قياس نسبة فيتامين (د) و الزنك فى الدم فى الأطفال مرضى بإلتهاب القولون المزمن Huda Zaghloul Abdelfattah ; Supervised Mohammad Ali Genena , Mohammad Nabih Almohammady , Dina Ali Ezzat - Cairo : Huda Zaghloul Abdelfattah , 2020 - 109 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Background: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin important for normal bone metabolism because it facilitates intestinal calcium absorption and increase osteoblastic differentiation.Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease)IBD( are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. Another essential micronutrient, Zinc is an essential trace element, which is obsorbed in the small intestine. Prevalence of zinc deficiency with IBD during disease and in remission raging from15% to 40% .Objectives :To assess the prevalence of 25 Hydroxycolicalciferol and zinc deficiency in Egyptian pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease.Methods: History was taken from the patients including consanguinity, similar conditions, intestinal and extra intestinal manifestation and age of diagnosis.Assessment of disease activity were made using Pediatric crohns disease activity index (PCDAI).Pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index (PUCAL) Laboratory methods: Serum 25 Hydroxycolicalciferol: it will be assayed using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technique (ELISA). Zinc will be assayed using atomic obsorption spectrometry.Results: This study found the serum vitamin D was statistically significantly lower among crohns cases (11.6± 4.4) than UC cases (19.9± 9.4) control cases (23.7 ± 10.8) (P<0.001) also serum zinc was statistically significantly lower among crohns cases (80.9± 27.8) than UC cases (95.1 ± 20.9) control cases (109±36.3) (p=0.045). Conclusion:25(OH)D deficiency and zinc deficiency is common in IBD patients. Serum 25 (OH)D levels and zinc were significantly lowest among moderate, followed by mild and highest in remission
25 colicalciferol Inflammatory bowel disease Zinc