
Diagnostic histological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies on the normal spleen of water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) /

Eman Rashad Mohamed Fathi Atiat Allah

Diagnostic histological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies on the normal spleen of water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) / التشخيص الطبيعى للتركيب النسيجى و الدقيق والنسجوكيميائى المناعى على الطحال فى الجاموس المائى Eman Rashad Mohamed Fathi Atiat Allah ; Supervised Hany Ahmed Elhabback , Shaymaa Hussein Mohamed , Dina Wagih Mohamed - Cairo : Eman Rashad Mohamed Fathi Atiat Allah , 2020 - 338 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Histology and Cytology

In the current study, we assessed the immune status of water buffalo spleen, described the macro and micro components of the splenic tissue, and investigated the distribution of different immunocompetent cells in the splenic parenchyma. This study was performed on 20 spleen samples gathered from apparently healthy water buffaloes of both males and females. Techniques that were applied covered the anatomical, histological, histochemical, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and immunofluorescent branches. The current thesis showed that the spleen of water buffalo had a thick fibromuscular connective tissue capsule. Stromal trabeculae emerged in two forms: avascular trabeculae and vascular trabeculae. The splenic parenchyma was formed of white pulp, marginal zone, and red pulp. These areas were examined by light and electron microscopy. Regarding the histochemical stains, a high number of ferric ions, and hemosiderin pigment were highlighted occupying the MZ. The distribution of immune cells was obtained using various antibodies. The expression of CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ on T lymphocyte was high in PALS, RP, and MZ with a significant area % difference than in lymph nodule, while CD45RO+ showed insignificant area % between the splenic compartments. Regarding the expression of CD5, CD19, CD20, and IgM on splenic cells, insignificant area % was obtained. However, CD21+, CD79A+, and IgG+ exhibited significant area %. Significant area % in the cytoplasmic reaction of NKCs, MQ, FDCs was highlighted by using CD56, CD68 and CD1A, respectively. ADAM17, TGFÝ, Fibrin, ENOS, and NRF2 were represented in few amounts inside LN, contrary to MZ and RP. Meanwhile, EGFR, MMP2, and TF showed a strong reaction in all parts of the splenic tissue

B Lymphocytes T Lymphocyte Water Buffalo spleen