
Impact of quality of life on glycemic control among type 1 diabetic children in the diabetes, endocrine and metabolism pediatric unit (DEMPU) clinic /

Haytham Khaled Mohamed Salah

Impact of quality of life on glycemic control among type 1 diabetic children in the diabetes, endocrine and metabolism pediatric unit (DEMPU) clinic / تاثير جوده الحياه لدى الاطفال المصابين بداء السكرى من النوع الاول على السيطره على نسبه السكر فى الدم من 8 الى 12 Haytham Khaled Mohamed Salah ; Supervised Amany Ibrahim Mohamed , Hend Mehawed Abdellatif , Noha Arafa Mohamed - Cairo : Haytham Khaled Mohamed Salah , 2020 - 141 P. : charts , facimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Aim of work: To evaluate the HRQOL in children and adolescents with T1D who come for regular follow up visits in the diabetes clinic of Diabetes Endocrine and Metabolism Pediatric Unit and to assess the correlation of HRQOL scales with the metabolic control. Patients and methods: This was a case control study conducted on 177 T1D young children (> 8 to <12 years). HRQOL was assessed by DAWN Youth Quality of Life Tool-Arabic version.Results: The median age of onset of diabetes was 7.14years. Children controlled diabetes showed significant lower HRQOL scores compared to non-controls as total score (p= 0.032), impact of symptoms relating to diabetes (p= 0.006), impact on activates (p= 0.020), and Impact on health perception (p= 0.001) There was a negative correlation between frequency of hospital admission due to DKA (r= 0.16, P=0.034) and due to hyperglycemia(r= 0.21, P=0.006). Conclusion: glycemic control significantly affects HRQOL especially regarding symptoms relating to activates, and health perception

Children Health Related Quality of Life Type1 Diabetes