
The reparative potential of botox combined and uncombined with platelets rich plasma in treating induced osteoarthritis of temporomandibular joint in albino rats : An Animal study /

Dina Mohamed Makawi Atteya

The reparative potential of botox combined and uncombined with platelets rich plasma in treating induced osteoarthritis of temporomandibular joint in albino rats : An Animal study / القدرة الإصلاحية للبوتكس مجتمع و غير مجتمع مع الصفائح الدموية الغنية بالبلازما فى علاج الالتهاب المحدث للمفصل الفكى فى الجرذان البيضاء : دراسة فى الحيوانات Dina Mohamed Makawi Atteya ; Supervised Nahed Sedky Korany , Nehad Samir Taha - Cairo : Dina Mohamed Makawi Atteya , 2020 - 183 P. : charts , facimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral Biology

Background: One of the common treatment modalities of OA is the intra-articular injection as it provides local drug delivery to the joint with instant pain relief. The aim of this study was to investigate the reparative potential of intraarticular injections of PRP, Botox and the Botox+PRP (combined) in treating induced TMJOA in Albino rats. Methods: 60 male adult Wister albino rats were used in this study. All rats were anesthetized and injected with 2mg MIA in both sides of TMJ to induce OA. After confirmation of OA by ELISA, the rats were divided to 3 groups (n=20/group) the right side acted as the experimental group and the left side as the control. All rats were euthanized at 6 & 8 weeks and the tissues were then assessed histologically, histochemically, biochemically (qRT-PCR, ELISA), radiographically (CBCT) and statistically. Results: In all groups after 6 or 8 weeks, the experimental side showed statistically significantly higher mean bone area %, mean cartilage area %, mean joint space and lower mean IL-1Ý and MMP13 levels than the control side. The highest mean bone and cartilage area percentage were recorded in the PRP group followed by the combined group of Botox+PRP.Conclusion: The study results have confirmed the healing potential of PRP and combined Botox+PRP by the different used analysis methods. This implies that the use of PRP alone or combined with Botox for treatment of cases of TMJ osteoarthritis can enhance and hasten the healing of conditions as TMJ OA

Botox combined Osteoarthritis (OA) Platelets rich plasma