
Surface roughness and color stability of 3d printed temporary crown material in different oral media : In vitro study /

Hamdy Kamel Ahmed Radwan

Surface roughness and color stability of 3d printed temporary crown material in different oral media : In vitro study / خشونة السطح و استقرار اللون للأستعاضة المؤقتة باستخدام تقنية الطباعه ثلاثية الأبعاد فى الاوساط الفموية المختلفة Hamdy Kamel Ahmed Radwan ; Supervised Gihan Abdelhady Elnaggar , Iman Salah Eldeen Hamdy - Cairo : Hamdy Kamel Ahmed Radwan , 2020 - 107 P. : charts , facsimiles , photoghrphs ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Prosthodontics

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different oral media (artificial saliva, carbonated orange juice and coffee) on the surface roughness and color stability of 3D printed temporary material. Methodology: twenty one discs samples were designed using additive manufacturing technique (SLA) were divided into 3 groups and stored in artificial saliva, coffee and carbonated orange juice at 37. Surface roughness was measured before and after immersion using non-contact USB Digital microscope. Color measurements were made before and after immersions using CIE L*a*b*.Data was analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukeys pair-wise tests. Results: After two, three and twelve weeks of immersion period there was statistically significant difference between the three tested oral media groups regarding the surface roughness. The highest xE values were observed in the coffee (3.58, 4.40 and 10.35 xE) followed by Carbonated orange juice mean values (3.29, 3.84 and 7.18 xE) while the lowest color changes mean values were for A. Saliva immersed group (1.91, 2.29 and 2.98 xE) respectively. Conclusion: 1. All different oral media (except A.saliva) used in the present study affected the surface roughness and the color stability of Interim discs constructed using 3-D printing technique. 2. Manufacturing of interim crowns using 3-D printing technique could be used for short-term provisional restoration. 3. This study has shown a strong positive correlation between color change and surface roughness of provisional restorative material

3d printed temporary crown Oral media Roughness and color stability