
The antecedents of the intention to adopt human capital analytics among HR professionals : the mediating role of perceived usefulness : An empirical study using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)3/

Muhammad Salah Nafea Hassan

The antecedents of the intention to adopt human capital analytics among HR professionals : the mediating role of perceived usefulness : An empirical study using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)3/ دراسة تطبيقية بإستخدام نموذج قبول التكنولوجيا : العوامل المؤثرة على نية تبنى تحليلات رأس المال البشرى بين ممتهنى الموارد البشرية : الدور الوسيط للمنفعة المدركة Muhammad Salah Nafea Hassan ; Supervised Mohamed Ayman Abdellatif Ashoush - Cairo : Muhammad Salah Nafea Hassan , 2021 - 170 Leave : charts ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Commerce - Department of Business Administration

This research was conducted to investigate the antecedents and drivers of the behavioral intention (BI) to adopt Human Capital Analytics (HCA) among HR professionals in the FMCGs organizations work-ing in Egypt. The current research aimed: firstly, to highlight the importance of the concepts of HCA and BD as a modern area of investigation in the field of HRM. Secondly, to suggest an integrated mediated moderated theoretical model for the FMCGs industry in Egypt, which aims at analyzing empirically the direct impact of external variables on the BI to adopt HCA among HR professionals. Thirdly, to investigate empirically the mediating role of PU on the relationships between external variables and BI to adopt HCA among HR professionals. Finally, to assess the moderating effect of TR and HR professionals age and gender on the relationship between PU and the BI to use HCA. Based on these research objectives, six hypotheses were developed for all the exogenous variables concluded from the exploratory qualitative re-search, other six hypotheses were developed to test the indirect impact relationship to measure the mediating role of perceived usefulness (PU) between the external factors and BI different links. In addition, some other hypotheses were synthesized to measure the moderating impact of technology readiness (TR), age and gen-der on the PU-BI paths

Big data FMCGs HR analytics