
Phytochemicaland bioactivity evaluation of pulicaria crispa (Forssk.)oliv.and pulicariaincisa (Lam.) DC. family asteraceae growingin Egypt /

Osama Ahmed Elsabagh

Phytochemicaland bioactivity evaluation of pulicaria crispa (Forssk.)oliv.and pulicariaincisa (Lam.) DC. family asteraceae growingin Egypt / دراسة فيتوكيميائية وتقييم النشاط الحيوى لنباتى بوليكاريا كريسبا (فورسيك) و بوليكاريا إنسيزا(الآم) المنتميان للعائلة المركبة الناميان فى مصر Osama Ahmed Elsabagh ; Supervised Mohamed Ali Farag , Engy Abdelhamid Mahrous , Sayed Abdelhamid Eltoumy - Cairo : Osama Ahmed Elsabagh , 2021 - 225 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Facultyof Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacognosy

Pulicariacrispa and Pulicariaincisa were studied herein to investigate their chemical composition using different chromatographic techniques and to assess their antioxidant, antihepatotoxic, and antimicrobial effects.The study contained the following main parts:Part-I: Phytochemical study Chapter-I: UPLC-MS profiling of secondary metabolites The aim of this work was to define and compare the phytochemical composition of Pulicariacrispaand Pulicariaincisaby using UPLC-PDA-ESI-qTOF-MSn. Extracts were analyzed in negative electrospray ion. Metabolites were eluted in order of decreasing polarity, and identification of metabolites was made by retention time, UV/Vis spectra and MS fragmentation pattern (accurate mass, isotopic distribution and fragmentation pattern in negative ion mode). Metabolites identified using UPLC-MS were analyzed by XCMS data analysis software.122metabolites belonging to various chemical classes weretentatively identified includingavonoids (37), phenolic acids (22),sesquiterpenes (17), diterpenes (7), and fattyacids (27), with enrichment in methoxylated flavonoids (20), caffeoylquinic acid conjugates (14) xanthanesesquiterpenes (9) and hydroxylated fatty acids (20) in both Pulicaria species

Antioxidant activity HS SPME