
Measurement of mandibular radiomorphometric indices in Egyptian population at different ages using cone beam computed tomography : A cross sectional study /

Hanaa Sayed Mansy Sayed Hassan

Measurement of mandibular radiomorphometric indices in Egyptian population at different ages using cone beam computed tomography : A cross sectional study / قياس المؤشرات الإشعاعيه الطيفية للفك السفلى لدى السكان المصريين فى مختلف الأعمار باستخدام التصوير المقطعى بالحاسوب مخروطى الشعاع : دراسة مقطعية Hanaa Sayed Mansy Sayed Hassan ; Supervised Sahar Hosny Eldessouky , Reham Mohamed Hamdy , Yara Rabia Helaly - Cairo : Hanaa Sayed Mansy Sayed Hassan , 2021 - 144 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral (Radiology and Diagnosis)

Aim: This study was conducted to correlate the mandibular indices with different ages in a sample of Egyptian population. Methodology: A total number of 318 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of Egyptian population were assigned into six age groups (53 per group). Radiomophometric indices were assessed for each side and for each age group. Four quantitative indices were measured with one qualitative index was evaluated.The quantitative indices were mental index (MI), panoramic mandibular superior (PMIS), panoramic mandibular inferior (PMII) and panoramic mandibular average (PMIA) which were measured on the CBCT cross-sectional cuts. While the qualitative one was mandibular cortical index (MCI) and was evaluated on cross-sectional, reformatted panoramic and corrected sagittal cuts.Dental status was also recorded to evaluate the association with the assessed indices.Results: There was a positive weak correlation between indices and age.There was no statistical significant difference between the right and left measurements.There was a statistical significant difference between panoramic mandibular indices. An association was found between he dental status and the assessed indices. The values of the measured indices were higher in females than males

Computed tomography Cone beam Mandibular radiomorphometric indices