
A novel study on the application of some nano-particles in the field of pharmacology /

Fady Sayed Youssef Selim

A novel study on the application of some nano-particles in the field of pharmacology / دراسة جديدة على تطبيق بعض جزيئات النانو فى مجال الفارماكولوجى Fady Sayed Youssef Selim ; Supervised Hossny Awad Elbanna , Hisham Youssef Elzorba , Ahmed Mohamed Galal - Cairo : Fady Sayed Youssef Selim , 2021 - 232 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Veterinary Pharmacology

Nanotechnology was a fast-growing technology that played an important great impact on various fields of therapeutic applications. The aim of the present study was to synthesize, characterize and test the antimicrobial activity and pharmacokinetic profile of Florfenicol-silver and Florfenicol-chitosan nanocomposite. The antimicrobial activity and wound healing capacity of neomycin-silver nanocomposite gel was also investigated. Synthesis was performed via rapid, easy and cheap synthetic method.Characterization was based on three classes namely index, identification and morphology. Index characterization was carried out by zeta sizing, BET surface area and zeta potential. Identification was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectrometry. Morphology characterization was done by transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Characterization results revealed that zeta size of Florfenicol-silver nanocomposite and Florfenicol-chitosan nanocomposite were 33.5 nm and 67.22 nm with zeta potential -14.1 and +28 mV respectively. BET surface area was found to be 103.69 m2/gand 106.31m2/g for Florfenicol-silver nanocomposite and Florfenicol-chitosan nanocomposite respectively. XRD and Raman charts confirmed the formation of the nanocomposite without any contamination. TEM, SEM and AFM spectral data illustrated and confirmed the integrity and good morphology of the prepared nanocomposite. In vitro antimicrobial activity was screened where the average zone of inhibitions caused by the prepared Florfenicol-silver nanocomposite were 28.3 mm, 29 mm and 27.3 mm compared to 24.7 mm, 24 mm and 25 mmof Florfenicol-chitosan nanocomposite against Escherichia coli (ATCC35218), Salmonella typhymurium (ATCC14028) and Staph. aureus(ATCC29213) respectively.Results of Pharmacokinetic study revealed that chitosan delayed the absorption of Florfenicol however silver resulted in slight improvement of Florfenicol absorption after oral administration to rabbits.The prepared neomycin silver Nano-gel showed higher and faster wound healing activity than neomycin and silver alone. Our Remarkable results illustrated the power of nanotechnology in the field of pharmacology

Characterization Florfenicol - chitosan nanocomposite Florfenicol-silver nanocomposite