The effect of intravenous dextrose 5%, ringer{u2019}s solution, and oral fluid intake on the duration of the active stage of labor in nulliparous women at term pregnancy : A randomized controlled trial /
Alaa Kamal Kamal Elgreatly
The effect of intravenous dextrose 5%, ringers solution, and oral fluid intake on the duration of the active stage of labor in nulliparous women at term pregnancy : A randomized controlled trial / تأثير محلول الدكستروز 5% : محلول الرينجر : تناول السوائل عن طريق الفم علي مدة المرحلة النشطة من الولادة عند النساء الحوامل : تجربة عشوائية محكمة Alaa Kamal Kamal Elgreatly ; Supervised Hassan Omar Gharib , Maged Almohamady Rashedy , Mohamed Elhusseiny Elmahy - Cairo : Alaa Kamal Kamal Elgreatly , 2021 - 71 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Background: During labor, it is common for women to have no or little nutrient intake, in spite of the fact that the demand of energy increases as a result of skeletal and smooth muscle contraction.Aim of the Work: This study aims to evaluate the effect of intravenous dextrose-saline infusion compared with intravenous ringer infusion and oral fluid intake in acceleration of active phase of labor in nulliparous women.Patients and Methods: This prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted on nulligravida patients recruited from those attending labor ward of AlKasr AlAiny Maternity hospital who are, singleton gestation,37 weeks or more. Results: Duration of first stage of labor was significantly shorter among Dextrose 5% group than among ringer lactate group and oral group.Conclusion: Dextrose 5% solution administration is associated with shortened duration of active stage of labor because it provides the required energy for pregnant mothers during the labor procedure through the detraction of harmful metabolites produced together with ATP production and results in acceleration of the labor process. Recommendations: Dextrose 5% administration during labor is associated with shortened duration of labor. Further studies with larger sample sizes, more outcomes and different dextrose concentration is required to determine the exact effect of dextrose
Dextrose Labor Nulliparous women
The effect of intravenous dextrose 5%, ringers solution, and oral fluid intake on the duration of the active stage of labor in nulliparous women at term pregnancy : A randomized controlled trial / تأثير محلول الدكستروز 5% : محلول الرينجر : تناول السوائل عن طريق الفم علي مدة المرحلة النشطة من الولادة عند النساء الحوامل : تجربة عشوائية محكمة Alaa Kamal Kamal Elgreatly ; Supervised Hassan Omar Gharib , Maged Almohamady Rashedy , Mohamed Elhusseiny Elmahy - Cairo : Alaa Kamal Kamal Elgreatly , 2021 - 71 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Background: During labor, it is common for women to have no or little nutrient intake, in spite of the fact that the demand of energy increases as a result of skeletal and smooth muscle contraction.Aim of the Work: This study aims to evaluate the effect of intravenous dextrose-saline infusion compared with intravenous ringer infusion and oral fluid intake in acceleration of active phase of labor in nulliparous women.Patients and Methods: This prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted on nulligravida patients recruited from those attending labor ward of AlKasr AlAiny Maternity hospital who are, singleton gestation,37 weeks or more. Results: Duration of first stage of labor was significantly shorter among Dextrose 5% group than among ringer lactate group and oral group.Conclusion: Dextrose 5% solution administration is associated with shortened duration of active stage of labor because it provides the required energy for pregnant mothers during the labor procedure through the detraction of harmful metabolites produced together with ATP production and results in acceleration of the labor process. Recommendations: Dextrose 5% administration during labor is associated with shortened duration of labor. Further studies with larger sample sizes, more outcomes and different dextrose concentration is required to determine the exact effect of dextrose
Dextrose Labor Nulliparous women