
The female representation of the rock art in Khufu area at Egyptian Western Desert : Typo-analytical study /

Nourhan Moustafa Mohamed Roshdy

The female representation of the rock art in Khufu area at Egyptian Western Desert : Typo-analytical study / مناظر السيدات فى النقوش الصخرية بمنطقة خوفو بصحراء مصر الغربية : دراسة تحليلية- تصنيفية Nourhan Moustafa Mohamed Roshdy ; Supervised Mostafa Atallah , Rudolph Kuper - Cairo : Nourhan Moustafa Mohamed Roshdy , 2021 - 146 Leaves : charts , facsimiles , photoghrphs ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Archaeology - Department of Egyptology

This research study explores the female representations in the rock art of the Khufu region in the Egyptian Western Desert.The thesis consists of an introduction, five chapters, conclusions, English and Arabic summaries, bibliography, and appendixes. Chapter One: Khufu region and its regional context.This chapter starts with a description of the geographical and geological settings of the Western Desert of Egypt and the Chufu region southwest of Dakhla oasis, followed by an extended report about the archaeological investigations that have been carried out there by the DFG-project 2Chufu 01/01-eine pharaonische Wüstenstation und ihr landschaftsarchäologischer Kontext3. Chapter Two: The Female anthropomorphic representations analyses. This chapter focuses on the main subject of the study: the female anthropomorphic figures. It describes in detail the different types of representations, their attributes, and the applied techniques and methods.Chapter Three: The female anthropomorphic representations context analyses. This chapter deals with the context of the female representations, and their concomitance with zoomorphic representations and geometric symbols, whether meandering lines or the so-called water mountainemblem. Chapter Four: The female anthropomorphic representations typological analyses

Female anthropomorphic figures Khufu region The Egyptian Western Desert