
Effect of electro-acupuncture versus therapeutic ultrasound on coccydynia In postpartum women /

Heba Fathy Mohammed Hamadto

Effect of electro-acupuncture versus therapeutic ultrasound on coccydynia In postpartum women / تأثير الوخز بالإبر الصينية مقابل الموجات الفوق صوتية العلاجية على آلام العصعص لدى السيدات ما بعد الولادة Heba Fathy Mohammed Hamadto; Supervised Magda Sayed Morsy, Mohamed Fawzy - Cairo: Heba Fathy Mohammed Hamadto, 2022 - 118 p : charts, facsimiles ; 25cm.

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of physical therapy for Womans Health

Thirty primi and multiparous women suffering from coccydynia participated in this study. They were selected randomly from the outpatient clinic of orthopedic in Damietta Specialized Hospital to share in this study. Their ages were ranged from 25 to 35 years old,their body mass index (BMI) didn't exceed 30kg/m2and their parity was ranged from (1-3) children.All patientwere divided into two groups equal in numbers as (A&B).Group (A) was consisted of 15 patients, each patient received 5 minutes of continuous ultrasound of frequency 1MHZ and intensity 1.5 W/cm2over the coccygeal region.This procedure was repeated 3 times per week for 4 weeks. After that, each patient was asked to perform pelvic floor and posture correction exercises for 30minutes. Group (B)was consisted of 15 patients, each patient received electro acupuncture for 20 minutes, 3 times per week for 4weeks. After that, they were asked to perform pelvic floor and posture correction exercises for 30 minutes.Both groups (A&B)were evaluated by visual analogue scale, serum cortisol levels before and after treatment course. The results revealed that both groups (A&B) showed significant decrease in VAS scores and serum cortisol level after treatment course. But, percentage of decrease in VAS scores and serum cortisol level was more pronounced and more noticeable in group (A) when compared with group (B). Therapeutic ultrasound was more effective than electro-acupuncture in treating coccydynia in postpartum women.


coccydynia electroacupuncture therapeutic ultrasound