Effect Of Body Composition On Thyroid Hormones In Euthyroid Post-Pubertal Females /
Esraa Hamamah Mohamed Ahmed
Effect Of Body Composition On Thyroid Hormones In Euthyroid Post-Pubertal Females / تأثير مكونات الجسم على هرمونات الغدة الدرقية في الإناث ذات الغدة الدرقية السليمة بعد البلوغ Esraa Hamamah Mohamed Ahmed ; Supervised Azza Baramoud Nashed , Doaa Ahmed Mohamed Osman , Mohamed Fawzy Aboelainin - Cairo : Esraa Hamamah Mohamed Ahmed , 2022 - 69 P . : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of P. T for Gynecology & Obstetrics
Background: Thyroid hormones are essential for normal growth, sexual development and reproductive function. Although thyroid hormones disorders are accompanied by body composition alterations, the response of thyroid hormones to body composition in euthyroid population is unclear, especially during puberty. Purpose: To determine the effect of body composition on thyroid hormones in euthyroid post-pubertal females. Participants: forty five post-pubertal females aged from 12 to 18 years old were divided according to their body mass index (BMI) into three groups equal in number; Group (A)n=15 had normal weight (BMI was 18-25 kg/m2), Group (B)n=15 were overweight (BMI was 25-30 kg/m2) and Group (C)n=15 had grade I obesity (BMI was 30-35 kg/m2) . They were selected from scondary schools in Kafr El Sheikh - Egypt . Methods: Body composition parameters (BMI, muscle, water, bone and fat contents) as well as fasting blood levels of thyroid hormones (serum free triiodothyronine (T3), serum free thyroxine (T4) and serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)) were assessed for each female in the three groups A ,B and C. Results: showed that there were non-statistical significant differences between the three groups(A ,B and C )(p<0.05) regarding muscle content, bone content, serum free T3 and serum TSH. However, group (C) had a statistical significant decrease in water content as well as a statistical significant increase in fat content and serum free T4 than group (A) (p<0.05) and there were non-statistical significant differences between group (B) and both groups (A and C) in the mean values of fat content, muscle content, bone content, T3, T4 and TSH. Also, the results showed that group (B) had a statistical significant decrease in BMI than group (C) and a statistical significant increase in BMI than group (A). Conclusion: Obesity is associated with lower water content as well as higher fat content and serum free T4 levels in euthyroid post-pubertal females
Body composition
euthyroid post-pubertal females thyroid hormones
Effect Of Body Composition On Thyroid Hormones In Euthyroid Post-Pubertal Females / تأثير مكونات الجسم على هرمونات الغدة الدرقية في الإناث ذات الغدة الدرقية السليمة بعد البلوغ Esraa Hamamah Mohamed Ahmed ; Supervised Azza Baramoud Nashed , Doaa Ahmed Mohamed Osman , Mohamed Fawzy Aboelainin - Cairo : Esraa Hamamah Mohamed Ahmed , 2022 - 69 P . : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of P. T for Gynecology & Obstetrics
Background: Thyroid hormones are essential for normal growth, sexual development and reproductive function. Although thyroid hormones disorders are accompanied by body composition alterations, the response of thyroid hormones to body composition in euthyroid population is unclear, especially during puberty. Purpose: To determine the effect of body composition on thyroid hormones in euthyroid post-pubertal females. Participants: forty five post-pubertal females aged from 12 to 18 years old were divided according to their body mass index (BMI) into three groups equal in number; Group (A)n=15 had normal weight (BMI was 18-25 kg/m2), Group (B)n=15 were overweight (BMI was 25-30 kg/m2) and Group (C)n=15 had grade I obesity (BMI was 30-35 kg/m2) . They were selected from scondary schools in Kafr El Sheikh - Egypt . Methods: Body composition parameters (BMI, muscle, water, bone and fat contents) as well as fasting blood levels of thyroid hormones (serum free triiodothyronine (T3), serum free thyroxine (T4) and serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)) were assessed for each female in the three groups A ,B and C. Results: showed that there were non-statistical significant differences between the three groups(A ,B and C )(p<0.05) regarding muscle content, bone content, serum free T3 and serum TSH. However, group (C) had a statistical significant decrease in water content as well as a statistical significant increase in fat content and serum free T4 than group (A) (p<0.05) and there were non-statistical significant differences between group (B) and both groups (A and C) in the mean values of fat content, muscle content, bone content, T3, T4 and TSH. Also, the results showed that group (B) had a statistical significant decrease in BMI than group (C) and a statistical significant increase in BMI than group (A). Conclusion: Obesity is associated with lower water content as well as higher fat content and serum free T4 levels in euthyroid post-pubertal females
Body composition
euthyroid post-pubertal females thyroid hormones