
Evaluation of the effectiveness of some medicinal plants as non chemical control for the root - knot nematodes /

Ghena Mammdoh Esmaeil Abed Elrazek

Evaluation of the effectiveness of some medicinal plants as non chemical control for the root - knot nematodes / تقييم فاعلية بعض النباتات الطبية كمقاومة غير كيماوية لنيماتودا تعقد الجذور Ghena Mammdoh Esmaeil Abed Elrazek ; Supervised Nagwa Abd El bary , Mostafa Youssef Yassin , Azza Hashem Ashoub - Cairo : Ghena Mammdoh Esmaeil Abed Elrazek , 2006 - 104P : diagrs ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Nematology

The present work aims to evaluate the efficacy of the medicinal plants against root - knot nematodes when they are used as intercropped plants or as soil amendmentsThe results revealed that the medicinal plants posses a great nematicidal potential to suppress the development of Meloidogyne incognita on some economic plants

Intercriopping M.mcognition Medicinal plants Nemats