
Effect of some insectides - methomy and imidacloprid - on experimental rats /

Nagla Kamal Younes Hassan

Effect of some insectides - methomy and imidacloprid - on experimental rats / تأثير بعض المبيدات الحشرية (الميثوميل والاميدالكلوبريد) على فئران التجارب Nagla Kamal Younes Hassan ; Supervised Hassan Mohamed Salem , Mohamad Saad Abdellatif , Olfat Abdellatif Sayed - Cairo : Nagla Kamal Younes Hassan , 2008 - 133P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Biochemistry

The effect of daily oral administration of Carbamte (Methomyl) , at 0.2 , 2and 5mg / kg b.w and neonicotinoid (Imidacloprid) , 0.5 , and 5mg / Kg b.w insecticides on male albino rats for 28 successive day , followed by 15 days recovery were studied

Histopathology Imidacloprid Methomyl