Some inflammatory markers in active , passive and non - smoker healthy subjects : relation to urinary cotinine /
Ghada Mahmoud Abdelaziz
Some inflammatory markers in active , passive and non - smoker healthy subjects : relation to urinary cotinine / بعض دلالات الالتهاب بمصل الدم فى المدخنين ومستنشقى الدخان وغير المدخنين وعلاقتها بالكوتينين البولى Ghada Mahmoud Abdelaziz ; supervised Gamil Amin Tawadrous , Amina Kamal ElDein ElAnsary - Cairo : Ghada Mahmoud Abdelaziz , 2004 - 213P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Biochemistry
Aims of the study was to investigate the association between plasma levels of inflammatory markers (P_selectin , C - reactive protein and interleukn - 6) and cigarette smokingMethods and Results : The effects of smoking on inflammatory markers were measured in eighty healthy male subjects who included in three groups (active smokers , passive smokers and non smokers) ctive smokers showed significantly higher value (P< 0001) for P - selectin , C - reactive protein and IL - 6 compared to passive and non smokerslso , passive smokers showed significantly higher values (P< 005 , P< 0001 , P< 0005 respectively) compared to non smokersDuration of smoking and number of cigaratte smoked per / day were positively correlated with markers of inflammationConclusion : Cigarette smoking was associated with elevated levels of inflammatory markers (P - selectin , C - reactive protein and interleukin - 6)
C - reactive potein Inflammatory markers P_selectin Smokink
Some inflammatory markers in active , passive and non - smoker healthy subjects : relation to urinary cotinine / بعض دلالات الالتهاب بمصل الدم فى المدخنين ومستنشقى الدخان وغير المدخنين وعلاقتها بالكوتينين البولى Ghada Mahmoud Abdelaziz ; supervised Gamil Amin Tawadrous , Amina Kamal ElDein ElAnsary - Cairo : Ghada Mahmoud Abdelaziz , 2004 - 213P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Biochemistry
Aims of the study was to investigate the association between plasma levels of inflammatory markers (P_selectin , C - reactive protein and interleukn - 6) and cigarette smokingMethods and Results : The effects of smoking on inflammatory markers were measured in eighty healthy male subjects who included in three groups (active smokers , passive smokers and non smokers) ctive smokers showed significantly higher value (P< 0001) for P - selectin , C - reactive protein and IL - 6 compared to passive and non smokerslso , passive smokers showed significantly higher values (P< 005 , P< 0001 , P< 0005 respectively) compared to non smokersDuration of smoking and number of cigaratte smoked per / day were positively correlated with markers of inflammationConclusion : Cigarette smoking was associated with elevated levels of inflammatory markers (P - selectin , C - reactive protein and interleukin - 6)
C - reactive potein Inflammatory markers P_selectin Smokink