طومسون، كارل، (كارل إدوارد) (Personal Name)
Travelling to a martyrdom, 2001: t.p. (Carl Thompson, Trinity Coll.; D.Phil. thesis, Univ. of Oxford) author's declaration form (Carl Edward Thompson, Fac. of English)
The suffering traveller and the romantic imagination, 2007: ECIP t.p. (Carl Thompson) data view (Dr Carl Thompson, lecturer in English, Nottingham Trent Univ.)
ntu.ac.uk, Jan. 24, 2007 Nottingham Trent Univ. faculty page (Carl Thompson, lecturer in English, Ph.D. in English from Oxford Univ. in 2001; research interests: Romantic literature (with special emphasis on travel-related themes and texts), travel writing and travel theory, shipwreck narratives, Romanticism)
Shipwreck in art and literature, 2013: ECIP t.p. (edited by Carl Thompson) data view (b. March 15, 1968)
University of Surrey website viewed, February 11, 2020: People, Carl Thompson (Carl joined Surrey in September 2017, having previously been at St Mary's University, Twickenham. Prior to that (2003-2016) Carl was Reader in English Literature and Travel Culture at Nottingham Trent University, and from 2000-2003 Junior Research Fellow in English at Trinity College, Oxford. Carl completed his DPhil at Oxford University in 2001.)