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أثر الدور التركى في الشرق الأوسط على الأمن القومى المصرى منذ عام (2011)م / إعداد محمد عبد المجيد جبريل؛ إشراف أ.د. .دلال محمود السيد.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextLanguage: Arabic Summary language: Arabic, English Producer: 2023Description: 205صفحة : إيضاحيات ؛ 25 cm. + CDContent type:
  • text
Media type:
  • Unmediated
Carrier type:
  • volume
Other title:
  • The Impact of the Turkish Role in the Middle East on Egyptian National security since 2011 [Added title page title]
Subject(s): DDC classification:
  • 338.9105610962
Available additional physical forms:
  • صدر أيضًا كقرص مدمج.
Dissertation note: . أطروحة (دكتوراه)-جامعة القاهرة، 2023. Summary: يتبلور جوهر التوجه التركى فى إعادة تفعيل دورها وعضويتها فى العديد من التكتلات الإقليمية وذلك لأهمية ذلك فى إطار تعزيز الإستقرار والتعاون فى محيط البيئة الإقليمية حيث كانت تركيا عضواً فى المنظمات الغربية ولكنها غيرت توجهاتها لتتحول إلى السعى نحو تفعيل دورها فى منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامى وذلك لكسب مصداقية الدول الإسلامية مما يؤهلها للعب دوراً فعالاً فى إدارة عدد من القضايا المطروحة على الساحة الإقليمية وبصفة خاصة القضايا المتعلقة بظاهرة الإرهاب . ترتكز السياسة الخارجية التركية على العديد من أدوات نشطة حيث تستخدم علاقتها الخارجية ومقاومتها الاستراتيجية التى تجمع بين أدوات القوة الناعمة والقوة الصلبة وقد بدأت بإستخدام أدوتها الناعمة المتجسدة فى الأدوات الإعلامية والسينما بالإضافة إلى تقديم المساعدات المالية والإنسانية كأداة لإضفاء الشرعية لأدواتها الصلبة المتمثلة فى النفوذ العسكرى فى محيط البيئة الإقليمية .. كانت نتيجة تطبيق نموذج تحليل النظم فى العلاقات الدولية أن إقليم البحر الأحمر أقرب إلى نظام توازن القوى نتيجة تكافؤ نسبى بين القوى الإقليمية من جهة والقوى الدولية من جهة أخرى فى درجة التأثير فى الأقليم . تدين الدول العربية التدخل التركى المتعدد المجالات فى العديد من الدول ، كما يرفض الموقف الدولى تزايد النفوذ الإستراتيجى لتركيا فى الشرق الأوسط وبصفة خاصة فى ليبيا ، إذ أن ذلك يساهم فى تعقيد المشهد السياسى ، وعلى مستوى سوريا وليبيا فإن هناك العديد من المخاطر والأضرار التى قد تتكبدها تركيا لتصادمها مع النظامين الليبى والسورى وحلفائهما فى المنطقة ،إذ يشكل ذلك تهديد للأمن والإستقرار فى المنطقة Summary: The Turkish role in the Middle East region has grown based on the theory of strategic depth, which considers Turkey’s location and history to be ready for positive action at all geographical levels to preserve its security and achieve its interests. With the beginning of the twenty-first century and the arrival of the Justice and Development Party to power, Turkey returned to knocking on the doors of politics in The Middle East region and the geographical neighborhood worked with all its might to get out of the economic situation or the restrictions imposed by European society towards the dreams of Turkish leadership. Turkey took advantage of the American withdrawal from Syria and sought to achieve its main interests and goals in Syria, which were to maintain its position and strengthen its presence in the region, in addition to getting rid of the Syrian Democratic Forces, taking advantage of the close relationship with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which it sees as a terrorist organization and represents a threat to their national security, in order to limit its expansion. There are many regional and international perceptions of the Turkish role in Libya and Syria, as the intervention increases the complexities of the political scene and will not contribute to resolving the Libyan crisis. There is a complete rejection by the Arab countries of this intervention and has condemned it, and these positions will play an important role in Syria’s return to the League of Nations. Arab countries The Arab countries condemn the Turkish multi-faceted intervention in many countries, and the international position rejects the increasing strategic influence of Turkey in the Middle East, especially in Libya, as this complicates the political scene, and at the level of Syria and Libya, there are many risks and damages that Turkey may incur, causing it to clash with the two regimes. The Libyan, Syrian and their allies in the region, as this constitutes a threat to security and stability in the region The Egyptian state faces major challenges imposed by the political, economic, and security pressures exerted by the major regional powers on the Egyptian state, in order to work to cause damage and losses to the sovereignty, independence, and control of the Egyptian state over its borders and the social and political structure of its people. The intensity of these pressures and threats on the part of the major regional powers has also increased. Egypt, especially after Egypt entered a new era of reform and development at all levels and levels, as Egypt’s policies in the current era conflict with the interests of those forces in the region. Therefore, the Egyptian state is taking policies and developing important sovereign plans in order to determine the executive mechanisms and implement Egypt’s vision in Confronting the interventions and pressures imposed by the major regional powers, most notably Israel, Iran, and Turkey. The unstable security environment of the Red Sea region is likely to continue in the near and medium term, due to the availability of escalation factors at the international level, and despite the presence of indicators of relative calm among the regional powers. However, the greatest possibility is that international competition will prevent the continuation or stability of this calm.
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Thesis Thesis قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول المكتبة المركزبة الجديدة - جامعة القاهرة Cai01 03 04 Ph.D 2023 مح.ا (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Not for loan 01010100031186000

. أطروحة (دكتوراه)-جامعة القاهرة، 2023.

ببليوجرافيا: صفحات 184-205.

يتبلور جوهر التوجه التركى فى إعادة تفعيل دورها وعضويتها فى العديد من التكتلات الإقليمية وذلك لأهمية ذلك فى إطار تعزيز الإستقرار والتعاون فى محيط البيئة الإقليمية حيث كانت تركيا عضواً فى المنظمات الغربية ولكنها غيرت توجهاتها لتتحول إلى السعى نحو تفعيل دورها فى منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامى وذلك لكسب مصداقية الدول الإسلامية مما يؤهلها للعب دوراً فعالاً فى إدارة عدد من القضايا المطروحة على الساحة الإقليمية وبصفة خاصة القضايا المتعلقة بظاهرة الإرهاب .
ترتكز السياسة الخارجية التركية على العديد من أدوات نشطة حيث تستخدم علاقتها الخارجية ومقاومتها الاستراتيجية التى تجمع بين أدوات القوة الناعمة والقوة الصلبة وقد بدأت بإستخدام أدوتها الناعمة المتجسدة فى الأدوات الإعلامية والسينما بالإضافة إلى تقديم المساعدات المالية والإنسانية كأداة لإضفاء الشرعية لأدواتها الصلبة المتمثلة فى النفوذ العسكرى فى محيط البيئة الإقليمية .. كانت نتيجة تطبيق نموذج تحليل النظم فى العلاقات الدولية أن إقليم البحر الأحمر أقرب إلى نظام توازن القوى نتيجة تكافؤ نسبى بين القوى الإقليمية من جهة والقوى الدولية من جهة أخرى فى درجة التأثير فى الأقليم .
تدين الدول العربية التدخل التركى المتعدد المجالات فى العديد من الدول ، كما يرفض الموقف الدولى تزايد النفوذ الإستراتيجى لتركيا فى الشرق الأوسط وبصفة خاصة فى ليبيا ، إذ أن ذلك يساهم فى تعقيد المشهد السياسى ، وعلى مستوى سوريا وليبيا فإن هناك العديد من المخاطر والأضرار التى قد تتكبدها تركيا لتصادمها مع النظامين الليبى والسورى وحلفائهما فى المنطقة ،إذ يشكل ذلك تهديد للأمن والإستقرار فى المنطقة

The Turkish role in the Middle East region has grown based on the theory of strategic depth, which considers Turkey’s location and history to be ready for positive action at all geographical levels to preserve its security and achieve its interests. With the beginning of the twenty-first century and the arrival of the Justice and Development Party to power, Turkey returned to knocking on the doors of politics in The Middle East region and the geographical neighborhood worked with all its might to get out of the economic situation or the restrictions imposed by European society towards the dreams of Turkish leadership.
Turkey took advantage of the American withdrawal from Syria and sought to achieve its main interests and goals in Syria, which were to maintain its position and strengthen its presence in the region, in addition to getting rid of the Syrian Democratic Forces, taking advantage of the close relationship with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which it sees as a terrorist organization and represents a threat to their national security, in order to limit its expansion. There are many regional and international perceptions of the Turkish role in Libya and Syria, as the intervention increases the complexities of the political scene and will not contribute to resolving the Libyan crisis. There is a complete rejection by the Arab countries of this intervention and has condemned it, and these positions will play an important role in Syria’s return to the League of Nations. Arab countries
The Arab countries condemn the Turkish multi-faceted intervention in many countries, and the international position rejects the increasing strategic influence of Turkey in the Middle East, especially in Libya, as this complicates the political scene, and at the level of Syria and Libya, there are many risks and damages that Turkey may incur, causing it to clash with the two regimes. The Libyan, Syrian and their allies in the region, as this constitutes a threat to security and stability in the region
The Egyptian state faces major challenges imposed by the political, economic, and security pressures exerted by the major regional powers on the Egyptian state, in order to work to cause damage and losses to the sovereignty, independence, and control of the Egyptian state over its borders and the social and political structure of its people. The intensity of these pressures and threats on the part of the major regional powers has also increased. Egypt, especially after Egypt entered a new era of reform and development at all levels and levels, as Egypt’s policies in the current era conflict with the interests of those forces in the region. Therefore, the Egyptian state is taking policies and developing important sovereign plans in order to determine the executive mechanisms and implement Egypt’s vision in Confronting the interventions and pressures imposed by the major regional powers, most notably Israel, Iran, and Turkey. The unstable security environment of the Red Sea region is likely to continue in the near and medium term, due to the availability of escalation factors at the international level, and despite the presence of indicators of relative calm among the regional powers. However, the greatest possibility is that international competition will prevent the continuation or stability of this calm.

صدر أيضًا كقرص مدمج.

النص بالعربية والملخص بالإنجليزية.

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