Antimicrobial activity of metallic silver nanoparticles in combination with photothermal blue light and selected antibiotics against resistant isolates of staphylococcus aureus / Fatma Elzahraa Akram Rizk Mohamed ; Supervised Mohamed Elazizi , Khalid Aboueisha , Tarek A. Eltayeb
Material type:
- التأثير المضاد للبكتيريا باستخدام جزيئات الفضة بحجم النانو مجموعا بالعلاج الضوئى الحرارى للضوء الأزرق الأحادى اللون : وبعض المضادات الحيوية ضد البكييريا الذهنية العنقودية [Added title page title]
Thesis (M.Sc.) - German University - Faculty of Postgraduate studies and scientific Research - Department of Mcrobiology and Immunology
S. aureus are one of the bacterial species that has developed resistance against a large number of antibiotics . There is a quest to find out different mechanisms to enhance the antibacterial activity against these bacteria . The use of monochromatic blue light [ 450 - 475 nm ] or silver nanoparticles separately has shown promising antibacterial activity against S. aureus
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