Dilational interfacial rheology of the nematic liquid crystal 5CB /
ريولوجيا السطح البينى التمددى للبلورات النيماتية السائلة 0CB
Radwa Ibrahim Elsadek ; Supervised Mohamed Amin Soliman , John Jules Magda , Mohamad Roushdy Sabry
- Cairo : Radwa Ibrahim Elsadek , 2007
- 155P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Physics
The technique of oscillating pendant drop shape analysis has been used to perform the first dilational rheology studies of thermotropic liquid crstal 5CB in air aqueous surfactant CTAB solution and in molten PDMS under conditions giving homeotropic suface anchoring