The study of peri - operative management of cardiac surgically corrected patients exposed to non - cardiac surgery elective and non elective : (retrospective study) /
الدراسة العلاجية ما قبل و ما بعد العمليات الجراحية العامة سواء جراحات طارئة او مخطط لها لمرضى القلب الذين تم اجراء جراحات قلب مفتوح لهم سواء عمليات استبدال صماما ت او عمليات الشرايين التاجية او عمليات تصليح العيوب الخلقية بالقلب
Mohammed Talaat Ahmed ; supervised Aly Moftah , Mohammed Nasr , Khoweiled Abd El Halim
- Cairo : Mohammed Talaat Ahmed , 2004
- 124P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of General Surgery
Many cardiac patients (valvular , post CABG , patients after repair of congenital heart disease) are candidate for non - cardiac surgeryTherefore , it is not surprising that cardiac complications occur when these patients are subjected to stress during the 3 to 4 - day perioperative periodPreoperative risk stratification depends not only on patient characteristics but also on the proposed surgerySome operations are more dangerous than others , with risks related to the following 2 important factors : the type of surgery and the degree of hemodynamic stress associated with surgery - specific proceduresThe most common indications for long - term oral anticoagulation with warfarin are venous thromboembolism , mechanical cardiac valves and atrial fibrillationWhen patients with these conditions need surgery , the perioperative management of their warfarin therapy poses a major problem
Anticoagulation Cardiac Surgery Non Cardiac Surgery