The divided city : on memory and forgetting in Ancient Athens /
Nicole Loraux.
- New York : Zone Books, 2002.
- 358 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 343-354) and index.
Machine generated contents note: PART ONE: THE DIVIDED CITY: MAPPINGS -- I To Forgetin the City 15 -- II To Repoliticize the City 45 -- III The Soul of the City 63 -- PART TWO: UNDER THE SIGN OF ERIS AND SOME OF HER CHILDREN -- IV The Bond of Division 93 -- V Oath, Son of Discord 123 -- VI Of Amnesty and Its Opposite 145 -- VII On a Day Banned from the Athenian Calendar 171 -- PART THREE: POLITICS OF RECONCILIATION -- VIII Politics of Brothers 197 -- IX A Reconciliation in Sicily 215 -- X Of Justice as Division 229 -- XI And Athenian Democracy Forgot Kratos 245.