Mahathir bin Mohamad, 1925-

Encyclopedia of Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia. Encyclopedia of Doctor Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia - 1st ed. - Kuala Lumpur : Darulfikir, 2004. - 10 v. ; 25 cm.

Collection of speeches and articles by Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia., delivered on various occasions. Includes indexes.

v. 1. Islam and the Muslim ummah -- v. 2. The challenge Mahathir Mohamad -- v. 3. Asia, reflections on Asia, a new deal for Asia --v. 4. Globalisation, smart partnership, and government --v. 5. Malaysia -- v. 6. Globalisation and the new realities -- v. 7. Science, technology, and human rights -- v. 8. Politics, democracy, and the new Asia -- v. 9. Development and regional cooperation -- v. 10. Contemporary issues.

9772387387 (set)

Library of Congress -- Jakarta Overseas Office M[dollar]1,300.00 (10 v.)


Mahathir bin Mohamad, 1925-

Malaysia--History--20th century.

DS597.215.M34 / M34 2004