ENSTINET's union list of periodicals / ENSTINET's union list القائمة الموحدة للدوريات فى مصر/اكاديمية البحث العلمى و التكنولوجيا:الشبكة القومية للمعلومات العلمية و التكنولوجية Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Network (ENSTINET). - Cairo, Egypt : Egyptian National STI Network, - 4v. ; 24 cm. - Began with 1st ed., published in May 1986.

Description based on: 2nd ed. (Aug. 1989).

Shabakah al-Qawmiyah lil-Malumat (Egypt)--Catalogs.

Catalogs, Union--Egypt.
Periodicals--Bibliography--Union lists.
Science--Bibliography--Union lists.
Serial publications--Bibliography--Union lists.

Z6945 / .E57