On disciplining the soul = Kitab Riyadat al-nafs, & On Breaking the two desires = Kitab Kasr al-shahwatayn : Books XXII and XXIII of The revival of the religious sciences = Ihyaulum al-din /
Kitab Kasr al-shahwatayn Kitab Riyadat al-nafs
al-Ghazali ; translated with an introduction and notes by T.J. Winter.
- Cambridge, UK : Islamic Texts Society, 1997.
- xcii, 277 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (245-264) and indexes.
Book 22. Disciplining the soul, refining the character, and curing the sicknesses of the heart = Riyadat al-nafs wa-tahdhib al-akhlaq wa-mualajat amrad al-qalb -- Book 23. Breaking the two desires = Kitab Kasr al-shahwatayn.
094662142X 0946621438 (pbk.)
Gluttony--Early works to 1800. Islam--Doctrines--Early works to 1800. Self-control--Religious aspects--Islam--Early works to 1800. Sex--Religious aspects--Islam--Early works to 1800.