The role of hysteroscopy befor IVF and ICSI /
دور منظار الرحم قبل التلقيح المجهرى والخارجى
Mahmoud Hossam Eldin Zaatar ; Supervised Shamel Mustafa Hefny , Dalia Mahmoud Youssef
- Cairo : Mahmoud Hossam Eldin Zaatar , 2008
- 75P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Gynecology and Obstetrics
The endoscopic techniques for diagnosis and treatment of several disease have gained importance in medicine especially over recent years where the advantages lie in the direct optical judgment of the body cavities and frequently the possibility of surgical treatment during the same procedure.This was the aim of hysteroscopy which had begun during its early history as a diagnostic and operative tool which was not accepted in routinegynaecology
Invitro Fertilization Luteal phase support Lutenizing hormone