TY - GEN ED - France. ED - France. ED - Dalloz (Firm) TI - Code penal T2 - [1928-1934]: Petite collection Dalloz AV - LAW CY - Paris PB - Jurisprudence generale Dalloz KW - Criminal law KW - France N1 - Description based on: 78e ed. (1980-1981); Editions prior to [1993/94] have annotated text of original Code penal, promulgated in 1810, and related legislation; editions for [1993/94-] have annotated text of the 1992 Code penal and related legislation; Latest issue consulted: 103e ed. (ed. 2006); Other title information varies, [1992]-1993/94: Nouveau code penal; 1994/95-[2002]: Nouveau code penal, ancien code penal; Vols. for [2006-] lack other title information; Separately paged supplements accompany some numbers; Vols. for [2003-] accompanied by CD-ROM: Codes pe{u00A4}_nal et proce{u00A4}_dure pe{u00A4}_nale ER -