Synthesis of certain new benzimidazole derivatives of expected biological activity /
تشييد بعض مشتقات البنزايميدازول الجديدة المتوقع لها فاعلية بيولوجية
Heba Tawfik Mohamed Abdelmohsen ; Supervised Fatma Abdelfattah Ragab , Hoda Ibrahim Eldiwani
- Cairo : Heba Tawfik Mohamed Abdelmohsen , 2008
- 170P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Pharmacy - Department Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The present work describes the synthesis and the antiviral and antitumor activities of certain new benzimidazole derivatives substituted in the 2 - position with different pyrimidine moieties.This section includes a brief survey covering the biological important