Stedman Bilingue Diccionario de Ciencias Medicas. Ingles-Español, Español-Ingles. Medical dictionary for the health professions and nursing - 5th ed. - Madrid : Editorial Panamericana, c2006. - 1634 p. ; 29cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Machine generated contents note: Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing at a glance A Message from the Publisher Reviewers Consultants to the Stedman's Dictionaries, A-Z Vocabulary Anatomical Chart Company Anatomy Atlas Image insert Contents to the Appendices.

Extensive and famous Stedman's Medical Dictionary, turned into a practical bilingual source of terminology covering the health sciences. Language: EN ESPAÑOL. Bookseller Inventoryr.

Traducción de: Stedman's medical dictionary. 25th ed.



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