Revue des âetudes grecques. - Paris : E. Leroux, 1888- - v. : ill., facsims., plans ; 26 cm. - Quarterly, <1987- > - Four or five no. a year, 1898-1939 Quarterly, 1888-1898 - T. 1 (annâee 1888)-

Published by: Sociâetâe d'âedition "Les Belles Lettres", <1987- >

Includes bibliographical references.

Issues for 1956-1994 also called no. 324-325-no. 511-513. T. for 1946-1947 issued combined.

Includes Actes of the association. Includes music (principally unaccompanied melodies). Includes section "Comptes rendus bibliographiques." Vols. for 1888-1912 include Bibliographie annuelle des âetudes grecques, 1887/88-1908/11, by C.E. Ruelle.

Publication of the Association pour l'encouragement des âetudes grecques en France.

Indexed in: Index du Bulletin âepigraphique. Vol. 1 (1888)-v. 10 (1897) in v. 10; v. 11 (1898)-v. 20 (1907) in v. 20; v. 21 (1908)-v. 30 (1917) in v. 30; v. 31 (1918)-v. 50 (1937) in v. 52; v. 51 (1938)-v. 73 (1960). 1 v.; 1978-1984 (Issued as Epigraphica, 7)

T. 14- include: Bulletin papyrologique. 1- 1900-

0035-2039 = Revue des âetudes grecques


Greek language, Modern--Bibliography--Periodicals.
Greek language--Bibliography--Periodicals.
Greek literature, Modern--Bibliography--Periodicals.
Greek literature--Bibliography--Periodicals.
Greek philology--Periodicals.
Griekse oudheid.

Byzantine Empire--Study and teaching--Bibliography--Periodicals.

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880.5 / R45