The World today.
Chatham House review 1945-1962
- [London, Oxford University Press, etc.]
- v. 21-30 cm.
- Bimonthly, Feb./Mar. 2012-
- Monthly, -Jan. 2012
- v. 1- July 1945-
Vol. 1-2 (1945-1946) called "new series" in continuation of Bulletin of international news.
Vols. for July 1945- issued by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Information Dept.; <, Oct. 1975-> issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
With its supplement, Chronology of international events and documents, supersedes: Bulletin of international news.
= World today
= World today
History, Modern--20th century--Periodicals. History, Modern--21st century--Periodicals. World politics--20th century--Periodicals. World politics--21st century--Periodicals. Histoire--20e siلecle--Pâeriodiques. Politique mondiale--20e siلecle--Pâeriodiques. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Internationale betrekkingen. WORLD POLITICS.