Economic report on Africa / [United Nations Economic and Social Council]. - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : Economic Commission for Africa, [1999]- - v. : ill. ; 30 cm. - Annual - 1999-

Reports also designated by United Nations document numbers, e.g., E/ECA/CM.24/3 (1999 issue).

Reports for 1999- prepared for use by the 19th- meetings of the Economic Commission for Africa's Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole/7th- Intergovernmental Group of Experts (held late Apr. each year) and the 33rd- sessions of the Commission/24th- meetings of the Commission's Conference of Ministers (early May each year).

Also issued in an edition for the general public under the same title, with minor textual differences. = Economic report on Africa.


Economic forecasting--Africa--Periodicals.

Africa--Economic conditions--1960---Periodicals.

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