Detection of early disorder of renal function in cirrhotic patients /
الاكتشاف المبكر لاضطراب وظائف الكلى لدى مرضى تليف الكبد
Elsayed Shehata Badr Gera ; Supervised Mona Mohamed Elamir , Amira Ahmed Hassouna
- Cairo : Elsayed Shehata Badr Gera , 2008
- 104P. : facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine
Cystatin C was the most sensitive marker of early impairment of renal function in cirrhotic patients and exhibited significantly higher sensitivity and specificity than serum crearinine , PRA , 24 - h urine protein and RI.From the ROC curve it was clear that cystatin C was superior for diagnosis of early decrease in creatinine