Dasgupta, Surendranath, 1885-1952.

A history of Indian philosophy / by Surendranath Dasgupta. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963. - 5v.; 24cm.

"Surendranath Dasgupta, a memoir [by Surama Dasgupta]" : v. 5, p. [v]-xii

v. 1. The Vedas, Brah̄maṇas, and their philosophy. The earlier Upaniṣads (700 BC - 600 BC). General observations on the systems of Indian philosophy. Buddhist philosophy. The Jaina philosophy. The Kapila and the Pat̄anj̃ala Sam̄ḳhya (Yoga). The Nyaȳa-vaiseṣika philosophy. Mim̌̄am̄ṣa ̄philosophy. The Sank̇ara school of vedan̄ta -- v. 2. The Sank̇ara school of vedan̄ta (cont.). The philosophy of the Yoga-vas̄iṣṭha. Speculations in the medical schools -- v. 3. The Bhas̄kara school of philosophy. The Panc̃arat̄ra. The Aṝvar̄s. An historical and literary survey of the Visiṣṭad̄vaita school of thought. The philosophy of Yam̄unac̄ar̄ya. The philosophy of the Ram̄an̄uja school of thought. The Nimbar̄ka school of philosophy. The philosophy of Vijnãn̄a Bhikṣu. Philosophical speculations of some of the selected Puraṇ̄as -- v. 4. The Bhaḡavata puraṇ̄a. Madhva and his school. Madhva's interpretation of the Brahma-sut̄ras. General review of the philosophy of Madhva. Madhva logic. Controversy between the dualists and the monists. Controversy between the dualists and the monists (cont.). The philosophy of Vallabha. Caitanya and his followers. The philosophy of Jiv̄a Gosvam̄i ̄and Baladeva Vidyab̄huṣ̄aṇa, follwers of Caitanya -- v. 5. The literature of southern Saivism. Vir̄a-saivism. Philosophy of Srik̄aṇṭha. The Saiva philosophy in the Puraṇ̄as. Saiva philosophy in some of the important texts.


Hindu philosophy.
Philosophy, Indic.


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