Espanol en Estados Unidos y otros contextos de contacto : sociolingèuistica, ideologia y pedagogia = Spanish in the United States and other contact environments : sociolinguistics, ideology and pedagogy /
Spanish in the United States and other contact environments
Manel Lacorte, Jennifer Leeman (eds.).
- Madrid : Frankfurt am Main : Iberoamericana ; Vervuert, 2009.
- 402 p. : 1 map ; 23 cm.
- Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispanico ; vol. 21 .
- Lengua y sociedad en el mundo hispâanico ; 21. .
Includes bibliographical references.
Reconstruccion y contacto de lenguas : el espanol en el Nuevo Mundo / Claudia Parodi -- Migrations and globalization : their effects on contact varies of Latin American Spanish / Carol A. Klee -- Intervocalic voiced stops in Yucatan Spanish : a case of contact-induced change? / Jim Michnowicz -- Pronombres de sujeto en el espaنnol (L2 vs. L1) del Caribe / Luis A Ortiz Lâopez -- Shifting sensitivity to continuity of reference : subject pronoun use in Spanish in New York City / Naomi Lapidus Shin, Ricardo Otheguy -- Globalization, linguistic norms and language authorities : Spain and the panhispanic language policy / Darren J. Paffrey, Clare Mar-Molinero -- General versus standard Spanish : establishing empirical norms for the study of U.S. Spanish / Daniel J. Villa -- Todos los peregrinos de nuestra lengua : ideologies and accounts of Spanish-as-a-(foreign) language / Robert Train -- De la tradiciâon oral a la letra impresa : lengua y cambio social en Nuevo Mâexico (1880-1912) / Arturo Fernâandez-Gilbert -- Quien es Huntington : un predicador paranoico o un visionario? : recepcion de la prensa del libro Where are we? : the challenges to America's national identiy / Marâia Cecilia Colombi -- Language in healthcare policty and planning along the U.S.-Mexcio border / Glenn A. Martâinez -- The untold story of Lau v. Nichols / Rachel F. Moran -- Spanish language education policy in the U.S. : paradoxes, pitfalls and promises / Kendall A. King -- receptive bilinguals' language development in the classroom : the differential effets of heritage versus foreign language curriculum / Sara M. Beaudrie -- The sound of silence : Spanish heritage textbooks' treatment of language variation / Cynthia Ducar -- Con todos : using learning communities to promote intellectual and social engagement in the Spanish curriculum / Juan Antonio Trujillo.
Languages in contact--Congresses. Spanish language--Congresses. Spanish language--Social aspects--Congresses. Spanish language--Study and teaching--Congresses.