Ehab Ali Mohammed Elkhouly

Radiofrequency catheter ablation of left sided accessory pathways : Transseptal versus retrograde transaortic approach / مقارنة الاسلوب التراجعى و العبر الاذينيى فى كى الوصلات الكهربية الزائدة فى الناحية اليسرى من القلب Ehab Ali Mohammed Elkhouly ; Supervised Galal Elsaied , Hussein Rizk , Sherif Eldegwey - Cairo : Ehab Ali Mohammed Elkhouly , 2008 - 126P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Cardiology

In our study we aimed at compare both retrograde and transseptal approaches as regards ; success rate , complications , procedure and ablation time , number of ablation attempt and recurrence of symptoms during follow up for 6 months in 23 symptomatic patients with AVRT or AF utilizing left sided accessory pathway

Accessory pathway Activated clotting time Atrial fibrillation