Hilty, Gerold.

Iva·l con la edat el coraco̧n creci̧endo : estudios escogidos sobre problemas de lengua y literatura hispanicas / Gerold Hilty ; edicioń de Itziár Loṕez Guil [and others]. - Madrid : Frankfurt : Iberoamericana; Vervuert, 2007. - 708 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Contains a selection of previously published works. Texts in Spanish, French, Portuguese or Catalan. Texts in Catalan have been translated from the original German for this publication.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 688) and indexes.


Spanish literature--History and criticism

Espanõl -- Historia y crit́ica -- Estudio y ensenãnza. Literatura hispanoamericana -- Historia y crit́ica -- Estudio y ensenãnza.

P130.52.S9 / H55 2007
