Discovery to delivery : BioVision Alexandria 2004 / editors, Ismail Serageldin, Gabrielle J. Persley. - Alexandria [Egypt] : Bibliotheca Alexandrina, c2005. - XXXVI, 435 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Book published after organizing a conference entitled "BioVision Alexandria 2004" Bibliog. Copy no. (195845) gift from Badr al-Dib̄ , no. (15,16) gift from Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Ouvrage publie suite a ̀l'organisation d'une conference intitulee : "BioVision Alexandria 2004" Bibliogr.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

9776163033 9789776163034

Crops--Genetic engineering--Congresses.

S494.5.B563 / D38 2005
