Armstrong, H. C. 1891-1943.

Lord of Arabia Ibn Saud : the intimate study of a king / H. C. Armstrong. - Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng., Penguin Books Ltd. [1939] - 296 p. illus. (maps, geneal. table) 18 cm.

"First published 1924; published in Penguin books 1938; reprinted 1939." Published for the King Abdulaziz Foundation, Riyadh by Kegan Paul. Summary: Newly reissued, Lord of Arabia is the famous biography of Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, who continues to cst his shadow over the Middle East today. In this important study, the author reveals many of the family traditions and deeply-held principles that form the unwritten foundation of present-day Saudi Arabia and its neighbours. It ably recreates the King's life through key principal first-hand authorities, recording invaluable historical detail. -- Back cover.

"Works consulted and general references": p. 293-296.

0710311842 9780710311849

Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 1880-1953.


Arabian Peninsula--History.
Saudi Arabia--Kings and rulers--Biography.

DS244 / .A7 1939
